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/News/Year in review 2022

Year in review 2022

In the previous two years, we haven’t had much to show you as the calendar clicked over. But in 2022 events and tours were BACK! And what a year it’s been. 2022 also happened to be the year we celebrated our 10th birthday and it was such a relief to finally be able to get back out there and share some wines with you again!

It hasn’t been easy. COVID still rages, hospitality venues are still struggling, wine deliveries have been chaotic, airlines have… well… if you’ve done any travel this year we probably don’t have to tell you!

Despite all that we were able to successfully hold 17 fabulous wine events around Australia. And wine four wine tours too! (Two domestic and two international.) We’ve listed them all at the bottom of this post for you, with photos too.

We also launched a brand new website at the end of September and are slowly becoming a one-stop marketplace where you can purchase from all your favourite women in wine, all in the one place.

It was sooooooo good to see so many members again in person this year, and meet some brand new ones too! Thank you to everyone who came and joined us at an event or travelled with us on a tour. It’s because of you this year has been so wonderful.

Our first events for 2023 are already on sale here and more are in the planning. Our wine tours are also getting their finishing touches, with our Italy tour already open for bookings, and you can find those here.

Have a wonderful festive season and here’s to seeing you and getting fabulous in 2023!

Our favourite pics from 2022. Did you make the cut?

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